The App class instance takes care of running all required startup tests, initializing PHP sessions, setting up the autoloader, reading the configuration and displaying the final output for a request.
The Autoload class.
The abstract base block.
The code block.
The delimiter block.
The filelist block.
The header block.
The list block.
The pagelist block.
The paragraph block.
The raw HTML and markdown block.
The snippet block.
The table block.
The table of contents block.
The Automad class includes all methods and properties regarding the site, structure and pages.
The Blocks class.
The Cache class holds all methods for evaluating, reading and writing the HTML output and the Automad object from/to AM_DIR_CACHE.
The Config class.
The Context represents the current page within statements (loops) or just the requested page.
The Debug class holds all methods to help debugging while development.
The FileSystem class.
A collection of file utilities.
The Filelist object represents a set of files based on a file pattern depending on the current context.
The Image object represents a resized (and cropped) copy of a given image.
The LegacyData class handles the conversion of legacy block data.
The Page class holds all properties and methods of a single page.
A Pagelist object represents a set of Page objects (matching certain criterias).
The Parse class holds all parsing methods.
The remote file class.
The Request class.
The Resolve class holds all methods to modulate URLs and file paths.
The Router class handles the registration and evaluation of routes.
The Selection class holds all methods to filter and sort the collection of pages and return them as a new selection.
The SessionData class handles setting and getting items of $_SESSION['data'].
The Shared class represents a collection of all shared site-wide data.
The Sitemap class handles the generating process for a site's sitemap.xml.
The Str class holds all string methods.
The extension asset collection class.
The snippet collection.
The Extension class provides an interface for calling an extension from a template file.
The feature provider class.
The Headless class provides helpers for the headless mode.
The PatternAssembly class contains all methods to assemble regular expressions patterns.
The Pipe class handles the chain of processes to manipulate variable values.
The content processor class.
The abstract feature processor class. All feature processors based on this class must implement a process() and a static syntaxPattern() method.
The conditional processor.
The context change processor.
The foreach loop processor.
The for loop processor.
The include processor.
The snippet, Toolbox method or extension method invocation processor.
The snippet definition processor.
The post-processor class.
The pre-processor class.
The main template processor.
The URL processor class.
The Runtime class handles all variables generated during runtime.
The Toolbox class holds all methods to be used within the template files.
The View class is responsible for rendering the requeste page.
The Composer class is a wrapper for setting up Composer and executing commands.
The mail class.
The Packagist class handles all requests to the Packagist API.
The Server util class contains helper functions for server information.
The theme collection system class.
The Update class handles the process of updating Automad using the dashboard.
The test mock class.
The Theme type is a custom data type that stores all meta data of an installed theme.
The User type is a custom data type that stores all data that is related to a user.
The abstract base command class.
The clearcache command.
The createuser command.
The purge command.
The update command.
The danger alert component.
The success alert component.
The autocomplete JSON data for jump bar component.
The autocomplete JSON data for links component.
The block snippet arrays as JS variable.
The block editor text modules as JS variable.
The search layout.
The loading spinner component.
The Logo class handles the loading of the Automad logo and the headless indicator.
The breadcrumb component.
The site tree component.
The status span component.
The console class.
The Cache controller.
The file collection controller.
The file controller.
The headless controller.
The Image controller.
The inPage controller.
The PackageManager class provides all methods required by the dashboard to manage packages.
The Page controller.
The Search controller.
The Session controller class provides all methods related to a user session.
The Shared data controller.
The status controller.
The system controller.
The UI controller class.
The user collection class provides all methods for creating and loading user accounts.
The User class provides all methods related to a user account.
The dashboard class handles all user interactions using the dashboard.
The file collection model.
The file model.
The Image controller.
The links model.
The Page model.
The Replacement model.
The Search model.
A wrapper class for all results for a given data field.
A data class to store file => key associations.
A wrapper class for all results for a given data file.
The user collection model.
The user model.
The Response class.
The FileSystem class provides all methods related to file system operations.
The Keys class provides all methods to search all kind of content variables (keys of the data array) used in templates.
The Messenger object allows for pushing error messages to the calling method in order to separate return values from error details.
The Prefix class provides helper to use standard UIkit classes without needing to prefix them manually to avoid conflicts (in page editing).
The Session model class provides all methods related to a user session.
The Text class provides all methods related to the text modules used in the UI.
The UI cache is the cache of the main Automad object including private pages that are only accessible when a user is logged in.
A collection of strings the define URL hashes to identify tabs or menu items consistently.