
The Automad class includes all methods and properties regarding the site, structure and pages.
The Blocks class.
The Cache class holds all methods for evaluating, reading and writing the HTML output and the Automad object from/to AM_DIR_CACHE.
The Config class.
The Context represents the current page within statements (loops) or just the requested page.
The Debug class holds all methods to help debugging while development.
The FileSystem class.
A collection of file utilities.
The Filelist object represents a set of files based on a file pattern depending on the current context.
The Image object represents a resized (and cropped) copy of a given image.
The LegacyData class handles the conversion of legacy block data.
The Page class holds all properties and methods of a single page.
A Pagelist object represents a set of Page objects (matching certain criterias).
The Parse class holds all parsing methods.
The remote file class.
The Request class.
The Resolve class holds all methods to modulate URLs and file paths.
The Router class handles the registration and evaluation of routes.
The Selection class holds all methods to filter and sort the collection of pages and return them as a new selection.
The SessionData class handles setting and getting items of $_SESSION['data'].
The Shared class represents a collection of all shared site-wide data.
The Sitemap class handles the generating process for a site's sitemap.xml.
The Str class holds all string methods.